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Privacy policy

Supplement House is committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the India Privacy Principles (APPs) in the Privacy Act and other applicable legislation.

We understand that protecting your privacy is important and we take all necessary measures to protect it.

Collection of information:

The main purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information are:

  • Processing transactions, in-store and online, and delivering products and services
  • To provide any associated loyalty program
  • Promoting Supplement House and its products and services, including through direct marketing, events and competitions, public relations and social media
  • Performing research and statistical analysis, including for customer satisfaction and product and service improvement purposes. This may include matching information we collect against other information held by third parties. (We may also use and disclose de-identified data for these purposes)
  • Helping us tailor existing or develop new products, services or offers, and to help us selectively target promotional offers and opportunities
  • Developing or seeking to deliver new ranges of products or services
  • Protecting the security of our stores, staff, customers, suppliers and merchandise (including theft and fraud prevention)
  • Answering queries, resolving complaints and responding to social media
  • Recruiting staff and contractors
  • General planning and administration

Access and Changes:

In most cases you will be able to gain access to personal information about you held by us. Please contact us if you would like to access your personal information.
If you become aware of any errors or omissions in respect of our personal information please contact us so that we can correct your information.

Email and mobile communication

If you provide us with an email address or phone number, you consent to electronic communication such as notices or reminders being sent to you via that address or number. You may prefer to provide to us with your personal email address or phone number rather than, for example, an email address accessible by your work colleagues. W
ho we may share your personal information with
We may share your personal information with third parties where appropriate
Financial institutions for payment processing
Referees whose details are provided to us by job applicants
Supplement House contracted service providers or partners, including: overseas and local agents, delivery and shipping providers, information technology service providers, venues and event organisers, marketing and communications agencies, research and statistical analysis providers, call centres, hard copy and electronic mail houses, manufacturers and suppliers and external business advisers (such as recruitment advisors, auditors and lawyers).
Regulatory, investigative or government bodies to comply with laws
We may ask one of these third parties to contact you directly for a specific purpose, and provide us with information collected from you in the course of providing the relevant products or services.

Contacting Us:

Any Questions about Privacy Policy? Please contact us on